Perfect pins for wearing summer shoes


The sun is finally out and hopefully here to stay. This means one thing girlies - getting those pasty legs out! Here’s our tips and tricks to perfecting those summer legs:

1. Exfoliate, exfoliate… and exfoliate again

A great scrub is key here - it will get rid of all those dead skin cells you've accumulated over winter, leaving your legs primed and polished. I recommend Clinique Sparkle Skin exfoliator - you want something that you can use in the shower, so this one is perfect. 

Top tip : buy a body brush and use it in the shower after your exfoliator. This will exfoliate some more and also buff the skin and stimulates circulation - this also works wonders on any cellulite. Here’s my brush from the Body Shop

2. Moisturise

Twice a day - straight after your shower and once more - either before bed or when you wake up. What works best for me is Khiels Creme De Corps (below), although everyone is different - try and find something that is super moisturising but suits your skin, whether it be sensitive, oily etc.

3. Add a bit of colour

Nothing slims your legs like a bit of fake tan, so if you are very white, fake it for a bit until your pins get some more exposure to the sun. Instant tans are my personal favourite as they wash off at the end of the day and you don't get a build up of tan layers which in time can look a bit obvious. Clarins Instant Smooth Self Tan is my favourite as it is a great colour for my skin (i am pretty pasty at the best of times). Again, a bit of experimenting and working out what colour is best for you might be required - St. Tropez do a Darker range which is good for olive skin tones. 


Top Tip: Use a shimmering bronzer and dust down your shin bones for a sleek, tanned look. 


4. You get out what you put in. Literally.

If you've got a big event or like us, you are getting summer ready, one of the most important things is thinking about what you are putting in to your body. We all know what causes dull skin and cellulite, so just lay off the fizzy drinks (including Diet Coke), the booze and refined sugars. Basically cut the crap and drink loads of water and try and move a bit more than you normally do! Your body will love you for it.